Y71. The resolution of major World Threats

Clearly saying, we all know United States dominated by 3 major ethnics, namely, American Jew, American African, American Germans.

Among the three, African has Crime disorder tendency (linkup China Communist), Germans has Social disorder tendency (linkup United Nations), and Jew has Civil Disorder tendency (linkup World Zion Organization).

China Communist is the rootcause of resolution of Terrorism.

United Nations is the rootcause of resolution of Virus epidemic as well as Cold War.

World Zion Organization dominated by Australia, bear the responsibility of Semitic Reconciliation as well as Economic development and Climate Change.

On the other hand, NATO a.k.a. Oriental Country incl. Singapore has the World War conspiracy plan as well as the rootcause of Korean Peninsular Denuclerisation.

Which above has the Ultimate resolution, My answer given is World Zion Organization WZO.

Question, who is the leader of Zion present now, after Israel Prime Minister be sacked? Who is the charismatic leader of UN then? Yes, the combination of United States former President and former Vice President who became Current United States President.

What a coincidence of United States yield World Charismatic Leader, but somehow what they committed is Intelligence law, by the way. Or maybe they are hidden leader of Conspiracy Syndicate Nazi? Shall find out and reveled soon.

Remark: Above analysed, based on assumption that Cold War tendency in Western, and World War tendency in Asia.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.