Y72. United Nations within Nazi, Nazi within Cult.

United Nations

What a coincidence of United States yield World Charismatic Leader, but somehow what they committed is Intelligence law, by the way. Or maybe they are hidden leader of Conspiracy Syndicate Nazi? Shall find out and reveled soon.

Corruption exactly and Abuse of Power. They are children. Please lower your standard, as they are lower their standard. Its a Social Disorder World, not just United States, all over the world. Just because they are international cities. I see its just fine, nothing worth mention and stir up.

But one things to note is Conspiracy Syndicate. United States doesn’t has world debt. They doesn’t owe any country money. The hatred is because of anti semitic, against the Canaan Jew. And some because of misunderstand due to Cold War IT censorship.

Nazi Germany

To stop virus epidemic, we have to fight over Conspiracy Syndicate Nazi Germany and Neo Nazi Australia, which is projected to United Nations and World Organization Zion. As both are War Syndicate.

Some would ask if this is legal? I would say Funding is permitted unless emergency case, Wage is permitted certain extend, Monitor is licensed, Think Tank via Private IT network. What is committed is their rank in Government sector, and Corruption and Abuse Power e.g. Bank interest rate, New Economy Industry Conspiracy, Community Social Disorder, Poverty, Marriage Defects, Christian Persecution in terms of Insurance incl. Mental Detain.

Every country same. So we have United Nations. It linkup countries. And They are consumption organization. Main target is to against Official Islam and against Church fellowship. Cult.


Ok, let me elaborate of my idea of Cult. Against Canonical Gospel, 10 Law commandment application, Idoism abundantly, Prayer in brute force password way, Blue sea mass preaching, Public Healing to testing God, Fallibility Theology. Noted that, Lutheran Church is same to Fundamentalist Church okay, Pentecostal teach Victory Theology okay.

But they not conformed to Christian Law, Dark Spiritual, and Easily Fallibility Theology. This Cult was called Nazi Germany, Now Nazi USA and projected onto United Nations. Germany is good now, they are Oriental Country. Those Reborn Christian called Oriental Country, Premium than Semitic 12 sects. Apology for my poor knowledge, but Conspiracy Syndicate is existence until today.

The cult is spread onto Catholic, Fundamentalist and Episcopal in some country, no necessary to stop them. But to reforming the church again. If there is World War Three.

Some country accept Islam, e.g United States, Taiwan, China, Hongkong. As Christianity comes to an end era, without another reformation. The rise of Cult is the sign of Advent of God Kingdom i.e. the Promised Land Canaan. Its just a sign, but not encourage.

To end my topic, I would say just let it be but don’t come near me. Choose your church properly, and avoid Christian Persecution in Church, or Internet Cookies Privacy, or University etc. They are target Left Wing Party, Computer Intellects, Devout Church goer.

Christian Persecution is Insurance Crime. Underground syndicate incl. Mental Rehab Abduction. These are linkup, incl. China Communist. The best Country in this world still America, because of Human Right and Gun license.

2nd Country is Malaysia. due to Islam Country promote Social Harmony, no Anti Semitic as well as no Christian Persecution. If yes, that is due to Racialism reason.

Okay, another topic. Terrorism is against Church, especially Cult. Its not anti semitic, no such snow ball.

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