Y724. Religion & Church Diplomacy: Classified of Church, Foundation, Union, Family to 6 Multiple Pillar Organisation i.e. Meta Heaven (Channel)

i. God Kingdom Law: Policy (Matthew Gospel)
Clinic 四天王 – Time Disorder Lock (Deutenolomy, Social Bonding, Jewish *10% Percentile)
Herald God – Samuel, Offspring of Moses (Judges) – Church 20 Meta
Elizabeth II->”Magnified Sunday” – Luke Gospel (Joshua the Theologian) (Adventist Guardian)(Heaven Judge of Church Denomination and Non Churches)

ii. Company Law: Protocol (Jobs)
Capsule 土地公 – Tomb Lock (Leviticus, Social Security, Semitic *50% Percentile)
Islam God – James, Offspring of Noel (Chronicle) – Foundation 200 Meta
Eve II->”Amazing Grace” – Book of Judae (Wisery the Engineer) (Promised Land Guardian)(Fire Lake Economic Model Invention)

iii. Immigration Law: Treaty or Initiative (Exodus)
Jail 四海龙王 – Gun Lock (Genesis, Social Harmony, Abraham *40% Percentile)
Buddhism God – David, Offspring of Solomon (Kings/Queens) = Union 100 Meta/Family 6 Meta
Mary II->”Oh Maria” – Book of Ruth (Nazareth the Architect/Apollo the Astronaut) (Oriental Guardian)(Hell’ Marriage Singularity the Maverick Resolution)

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. – Luke 1:56
玛丽亚与伊莉莎白一起住了大约三个月 – 路加福音1:56

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