Y727. Imperial Standard & Design – Criminology Genocide Terminal (Whitepaper)

A. Qing Regime – Federation
Galatians – Agape/Liberal
Adventist the Axis Mirror: Lover as Daddy
Threat: Sabotage->Cropped
White Dragon/Membership – Gigolo (Society, MY), Duty Holiness (Deviral, Meta Split, Owl Cinderella/Cat Women, Conquer)->Earth Quake
Thinktank: Vatican
Closure: Rape->Erotic Defeat Organised Involvement

B. Qing Organised – Federal
Corinthians – True vs True
Adventist the Axis Mirror: Godly Daughter as Lover
Threat: Bribery->Lantern
Dark Dragon/Head – Pornography (Clubbing, HK), Duty Legitimated (Hubbing, Meta Merge, Rabbit Snow White/Pink Panther, Artistic)->Erotic Defect Wall
Scapegoat: Neo Nazi Semitic
Closure: Bikini->Playgirl Climate Commercial

C. Soong Dynasty – Multinational
Titus/Judea – Artistic vs Romance
Adventist the Axis Mirror: Godly Friend as Family Enemy
Threat: Corruption->Mute
Ancient Dragon/Blooded – Hardcore (Flea, TW), Duty Abuse (Plug & Play, Meta En d, Unicorn/Puppy Alice, Colony)->Disease
Stakeholder: ISIS Malaysia Islam Democracy
Closure: Poison->Legend Disease

D. Qing Mafia – Nation Wide
Philemon/Peter – Pluto/Holiness
Adventist the Axis Mirror: Lover as other Wife
Threat: Boycott->Dishonour
Black Dragon/Freelance – Escort (Hotel, SG), Duty Ransom (Salted, Meta Change, Fox Monalisa Cheers Cup/Spiderwomen Widow, Man Snake)->Terrorism
Funding: Qing Syndicate
Closure: Racist->Genocide Terrorism

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