Y733. Correlation Action & Diplomats led Fallen: Chinese Footage (Broadcast)

The Truth of Correlation of Chinese Myth

Theory of 9 Theology based on Foundation of 4 Principle of Criminal Law.
e.g. 水浒传 False Sabotage vs 唐诗三百首True Sabotage

Yield 4 Ultimate Medicine Law. Critics Moral Terminal!!
e.g. 红楼梦False Hygience vs 聊斋志异True Hygience

Lawsets of 9. Liberal Law. Condemned to Geography Based only!!!
e.g. 三国演义False Geography vs 西楚霸王True Geography

Skipped Fly Path Lines, Spiral Mechanism in 6 Dimension or Higher. Critics to Upstream Personnel or
Judgement Usage.
e.g. 论语False Judgement vs 西游记True Judgement

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