Y75. Blue Chip, Holding, Bond, the Chinese Civil War Hundred Asks! 蓝筹股,控股,债券,华人内战一百问!

Buy blue chips. Know why? Those with potential and broad development is ‘Blue Chip’. Those verified legal and long-term development is ‘Holding’. Those verified qualified and sporadic development is ‘Bond’. Decline to comment Malaysia Development Holdings, but Taiwan and Hong Kong Holding are good, Singapore is an Indian faction and crouching tiger and dragons. The profits of the ‘Holding’ are large, but high-risk. Most of the Investment funds are in Taiwan and United States, ‘Blue Chip’ are in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, and most of the ‘Holding’ are in Singapore. Legal operation are ‘Blue Chip’, Conscience operation are ‘Holding’, and Justice operations are ‘Bond’.

Generally they are wholesalers, flea markets, short-term cash out. Therefore, the Investment Fund are in the United States, the Foundation Project are in Southeast Asia, and the Mutual Trust are in Europe. The Indian project is Temasek Holdings in command. Infernal Affairs, Mafia and the Conspiracy Syndicate, are in cooperation in which Charity, Ministry, and the Hospital. Blue Chips are engaged in Charity, Holding companies are engaged in Ministry, and Hospitals are engaged in equipment.

Infernal Affairs, Orientals are not yet formed. Chinese, British. Japan is difficult. Jews belong to the Mafia, including Japan, Italy, and South Korea. Conspiracy Syndicate has Nazi Germany, United Nations Israel, and Islamic organization Indonesia. Malaysia also has Blue Chip, such as Digital Economy development and Infrastructure Economy development. They were recruited by Malay Intellects as well as Chinese that from North Malaysia. Indians are mainly engaged in upstream business, so they are poverty.

Malaysia does not have so many upstream job vacancies. The upstream work Holdings are all in Singapore. For example, there are many Chinese a.k.a. Malaysian Labour in Singapore who do downstream work instead of upstream work, and it tell the time to go to war. Remarks, there are two types of downstream, one is research type and the other is technology type. Many Malaysians are engaged in information technology, which is downstream and highly dependent on technical skills.

The following list relates to blue chip stocks, holdings, and trust funds.




马来西亚的隔邻鬼,没有那么多的上游工作空缺呢。上游工作控股都在新加坡。如新加坡有很多马劳的华人做下游工作而不是上游工作,就是告诉我们是要开战的时候了。备注,下游有两种,一是研究型,一是技术型。 很多马来西亚人从事资讯科技,属于下游,技术依赖性很强。


Promote Theologian & Research Trust i.e. Blue Chips (Security)(Buddhism and Episcopal Church Charity)(Interest)
Public Property, Only for Reinvent, Non Authorised beyond Family Circle, For Demo Purpose

Promote Entrepreneur & Project Foundations i.e. Holding (Risk)(Islam and Fundamentalist Church Ministry)(Overhead)
Personal Property, Authorised Permitted, Proprietary Asset, For Sale without Honourship

Promote Upstream Worker & Investment Funding i.e. Bond (Vulnerable)(Hinduism and Pentecostal Church Assets)(Tax)
Organisation Property, Opensource, Not for Sale, For Per Use with Honourship

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