Y780. Hybrid Engineering Part 12: IBM Azure TPM & Crabmachine, Apple & Watson & Guardian (Review)

A. Pancreas – Plotter – *AVR: Dogma a.k.a. Metrology Law incl. Hormone or Duty Deficiency (Nil) i.e. Time Transducer ESD Compressor the UV Wifi a.k.a. Hubble Telescope Footplot, *Hybrid/Roman *Material
Anti Nuclear
Cleanser: Antique & Drug 物

B. Lung – Fuel Cell – UPS i.e. Transformer/Inverter: Sarah Law a.k.a. Tax Law incl. Organised Duty Free as the Tither Duty (Captain) i.e. TPM Security Box ESD Transmitter/Receiver IR Wifi a.k.a. James Webbs Telescope Footprint, *Greek *Medicine
Anti Pandemic
Material: Architecture
Medicine & Material 人

C. Sex Gland – Modem – Online UPS: Antenna the EMF Wifi a.k.a. Galilee Telescope Footwell: Moses Law a.k.a. Economic Law incl. Mafia Human Right as Scribe Duty (Ego), i.e. Moses Code Arabic *Weather
Anti Tsunami
Weather & Universe 天

D. Heart – Regulator – Interactive AVR: Mesh RF Bluetooth Footage: Music Covenant a.k.a. Logistic Law incl. Cult Privacy as Pharisee Duty (Idol), i.e. Circle of Fifth, Latin *Spiritual
Anti Terrorism
Pentecost & Vegetable 地

Errata 27Aug2023

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