Y783. Oriental Blueprint 3 Steps Sequel (Broadcast)

A.Jesus Isometric 1per Grade Cored the Social Hierarchy Track MY Renaissance Aegean from Oriental CPPC 100% Population Judgement
Nasa-ruth & Messi
Angel i.e. Colony
Ancient Dragon
Federation Far East
Lent Day i.e. Independence Day->Passover Day i.e. Judgement Day/Christmas
Meta Tax per Capita/Capital/Deficit/Property Tax per Time Metric Learning
or Prefer equivalent

Emmanuel e.g. SG Temperature zone or if AU Temperature zone South Polar Star 南极星 as Israel as Christmas Nativity the Nehemiah Wall the Non Ambition Rival HIGH TAX EXEMPTION META diplomacy of rotation. Stealth as liked.
Original Oversea Chinese i.e. Gothic British Chelsea SG
Chinese Technical Educated i.e. Cult Meta Free incl. Hang Tuah
Common Timeframe & Metric & Timing i.e. Origin

B. Noel Isomer 3per Schism Cored the Family Schism SG Renaissance Paris from Utopia CAP 100Percentile Gentile Judgement
Joshua & Chris
Linger i.e. Limbo
White Dragon
Multinational Asean
Eschatology Day i.e. Thanks Giving Day->Pentecostal Day/Halloween Day i.e. Judgement Day
BBC Calendar/Disaster Climate Calendar a.k.a. Duty Tax>CAP Index
Pentecostal e.g. MY Skin Crypto/HK Skin Crypto, Metreo Comet 流星雨 as Israel as Jupiter Nativity the Esther Wall Ultimacy Church Education i.e. Christian Science a.k.a. Theology Engineering
Original American Born Chinese i.e. Hebrew Chinese MY
English Academy Educated i.e. Mafia Service Tax incl. Batik
Common Timing i.e. Datum

C. Jacob Isotope 2per Alternated Cored the Neighboughood Alternated AU Renaissance Rome from Adventist CP 200% Populated Passed
Jesuit & James
Guinea i.e. Prisoner
Black Dragon
International European
Eucharist Day i.e. Memo Day->Easter Day/Habakkut Day i.e. Judgement Day
Book of Life/Fruit of Life a.k.a. Royalty Fee<CP Index
Etymology Union e.g. TW/SHA, North Polar Star 北斗星 as New Israel as New Nativity Mach12 i.e. Ezra Wall Martial Act Learning Metric
Original Japan Chinese i.e. Raffles TW
Home made Ultimacy Western Education i.e. Organised Duty Free incl. Dato
Common Housing i.e. Orientation

*It formed a skeleton time universe in Eschatology Calendar. Risen of all Population.

*All leads will gain heaven phase and terminal of gate in batches separately.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved