Y788. Commuting Myth (Whitepaper)

i. Common Reynolds Zone i.e. Flea Heritage – Easter Land, Freedom from Sarah Law i.e. Oriental – Free License 


a. Renaissance Islam Noel the Aegean: Duty A 20%. Business vs Labour: Foundation

New International Version: Dogma *UK->JPN

Biblical Real Life Chronicle (Alternatively Friends): Documentary

High Capita Intellect: J-suit 10per, Luther Rabbit, C-suit, R-suit

Target: Anti Disaster for Economic Resolution Model on Hybrid Engineering on Quantum, Genealogy and Material Science as well as Social and Mathematics Bottlenecks.

b. Renaissance Castle in the Sky the Babylon: Duty B 10%. Christmas vs Cult Missionary: Union

King James Version: Fundamentalist *ISR->US

Biblical Gospel (Schism Family): Prophecy

High Meta Celebrity: Jesus as King 1per, Nazareth Fox as Servant, Christ as Man, Messiah as God 

Target: Church Reformation, Christian War & Wall, WWI (Vatican Metric vs Episcopal Metric): Semitic Definition, WWII (Catholic Dogma vs Protestant Doctrine): Church Definition, WWIII/Cold War (Fundamentalist Emmanuel vs Charismatic Union): Holy Spirit Definition.

c. Renaissance Silk Road the Babel, Duty C 33%. Mahjong vs Poker Agency: Church

Contemporary Version: Union *MY->AU

Biblical Revelation (Graded Church): Estimation

High Deficit Scapegoat: Jesuit 1000per, Ruth Panther, Chris, Messi

Target: Marriage Union etc. Book of Life, Etymology Naming, Eschatology Calendar, Ecumenical Judification.

Church Reformation Missionary

ii. Common Psi Zone i.e. Puritan Time Metric – Christmas Land, Freedom from Covenant Law i.e. Adventist – Free Tuitions 


Meta A. -15min (Nazareth Timezone, UK) AU Sterling 6% Interest, Church Era 500yrs

Meta B. +50min (Bethlehem Timezone, TW) RUS Yuan 0% Tax, Tax Free BBC Era 100yrs

Meta C.  +25min (Jordan River Timezone, JPN) SG Pound 6% Tax, Hollywood Era 40yrs

Meta D. +0min (Jerusalem Timezone, US) TW Dollar 7% Tax, Modern Era 10yrs

Meta E. +35min (Galilei Sea Timezone, MY) AU Won 6.6% Fixed Tax, Y2K Era 20yrs

Meta F. +10min (Geneva Timezone, EU) MY Token 7% Interest End Time Era 1000yrs

Anti Disaster Agency

iii. Common Celsius Zone i.e. Temperature Scale – Liberal Land, Freedom from Moses Law i.e. Promised Land – Free Flows 


Couple A. Philippians Romance

Couple B. Corinthians Pluto

Couple C. Galatians Agape

iv. Common Tesla Zone i.e. Crypto Bottom Threshold – Virgin Land, Freedom from Marriage Law i.e. Utopia – Aged Lock 

Crypto per Puritan

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.