Y797. Time Zone Era Evolution (Whitepaper)

Time Era Evolution

@Earth Geology

@Medicine Man Kind


To find out how the Time Zone Mileage can varies according to Carbon Dating. The Skeleton Calendar play a critical part.

And the Man Kind Genealogy can only perform more than 4per Time Zone is a great prominent discovery of abundancy in terms of medicine automatic healings.

And hence the Earth geology as well as the Ecosystem of Sky Cloud follow the same accordance too. 

The closure mapping of Time Zone originated from Jerusalem the Israel Time Zone arrangement as follow the New Nativity of Christian Reconciliation.

For that concerns, the Time Zone is replicating into Many phase in life not the least the academic but the various industrial such to dismissed the disruption of medicine system wage as secondary option.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.