Y798. Two Essential of Human Kind & Currency Ransom (Post)

  1. SKY i.e. Climate Treasure – African due Industrial ransom – Dollar Shortage
  2. AIR i.e. Energy Robustness – Germanic due Education ransom – Won Shortage
  3. ALT. HEAT i.e. Economic Rotation – Asian due Food ransom – Sterling Shortage
  4. WATER i.e. Hygiene Immunity – Jewish due Ether Time Zone ransom – Token Shortage
  5. LIGHT i.e. Social Fellowship – Semitic due Wisdom ransom – Yuan Shortage
  6. LAND i.e. Crime Disruption – Chinese due Legacy ransom – Pound Shortage

“Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. Matthew 10:9-10

腰包里不要带金银或铜钱。 在路上不要带行囊,不要带两件衣服*,也不要带鞋子和手杖,因为工人配得自己的食物。马太福音 10:9-10

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