Y809. Pilot Stage to Heaven (Post)

A. Exodus Route Stage the Dogma Error to Suffering Exchange Rate Misjudgement (10Years Cyclic) – Scouts a.k.a. 街头霸王
8G->Calvinism Burden Rocket i.e. Perpetual Nativity Secret Garden formed due to Meteor Stars fallen.

B. Revelation Stage the Temptation for Marriage, Job, Life Express way (1000 Years 2 times max) – Boys Bridgates a.k.a. 中华英雄
9G->Christian Ship exclude Pilate Ship I.e. New Christmas Nativity formed due Beidou Star Recognition.
18 Rohs Beidou Boundary ZION

C. Final Stage the Judgement as well as Rebounce (100 years Cyclic) – Salvation Army a.k.a. 彩虹金刚
10G->Oriental Express Heaven i.e. New Jerusalem Wall formed due South Polar Star arrival.
NATO ISR,US,RUS (Golden Bridge)->UK,EU,JPN (London Bridge)->SG->MY (JBSG South Polar Bridge)

*The Lock 100 years Judgement to Visionary Trip, and secure whole heritage in CP rating Monetary, after which into Dead End Mileage.

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