Y810. Three type of Calendar Guidance to Final Destination (Channel)

A. Data Mark – Lunar Calendar i.e. Eschatology
Partial Differential Equation, the PDE Calendar – Calendar Layering (Year Shift the Partial Derivative, Solar), fixed
Material purity, varied Reynold Number threshold, correspond to Eschatology
Has god, in Trinity
Jerusalem – Federation (War & Wall)
10G – Jupiter->33G Maxwell/Comet/New Satellite Number, Tesla, South Polar, Singa-pula, Hubble Telescope Thermal Discovery (Final Judgement)

B. Kelvin Mark – Galaxy Calendar i.e. Ecumenical
Differential Equation, the DE Calendar – Calendar Pivot Skew Cast Out (Month Shift the Derivative,
Moon), varied Material purity total 24 DE Calendar i.e. 24 Galaxy.
Has no god, as Total as Trinity
Vatican – States (Book of Life, Eucharist)
5G – Mars->21G Pluto/Beidou, Ancient Galilee Lens Discovery (Revelation)

C. Hall Mark – Solar Calendar i.e. Etymology
Linear Equation, the LE Calendar – Calendar Origin Offset Projection (Date Shift the Linear, Earth),
Has partial God, but not Total
World Bank – Multinational (Industrial Revolution)
2.4G – Moon->18G Supernova/Meteor/Black Jack Star, Modern James Webb High Mach Discovery (Exodus)

365 days – logarithms 5000 in such the stability of index height. Day light
saving seasonal 1 hours offset. DST=1hour

Pentecostal Calendar – 365/2= 182days (logarithms 5000)
2G (mono), 3G (prophet), 4G (trinity), 7G,8G,9G,10G (total)

Israel Calendar – 4G

24k Monsoon Calendar ~4.8G->5G
7 Days per weeks with Holidays

23k Corinthians Calendar ~5.7G->6G
8Days per weeks with 2hours Sleeping
18k Honey Moon Calendar
22k War Calendar