Y818. Why cant make a Heaven? (Broadcast)

4 Stage of Chinese
1. Promised Land 10yrs Cyclic 衣食住行 Fellowship Land

2. Adventist 10yrs min 吃喝玩乐 Party Time

3. Oriental 3yrs max 琴棋书画 Watch Event

4. Utopia 100yrs once off 阳光空气水土地 Raise Player

a. Liberal Education, Food Free vs Duty Tax vs Third World Route (Islam Dynasty) high quality time Sex

b. Tailor Infrastructure, Time Free vs Income Tax vs Hiatus Route (Western high rate money Crime
Home Route (Chinese Dynasty) expensive meta Free vs Service Tax vs First World Laboratory & Clinic, Money

c. Gentile Meta Friendly Logistic Hub, Technology Free Legacy Tax VS vs Artificial Intelligence Route

d. flows food low Linger

Calendar the Route into Vatican the Dead End Mileage waiting Eschatology Heaven is Gross (Renaissance & Mafia started)

Catholic’ Heaven is Final Judgement combine the Hiatus Clearance, and First World Revelation (War & Wall started), Protestant or Fixed Eschatology Calendar with Reformed Heaven has Final Judgement the Biblical Way.

(Treasure Renaissance Wisdom Wall Only) Orthodox


War & Wall Stage (Treasure) Risen VS Christianity Bible vs Islam Quran Buddhism Testa =
Meta Clock Merge

Satellite & Internet Colonisation Stage (Intelligence) Eternal Life
Heaven vs Paradise vs Pureland = Protocol Economic


3 Immediate Heaven Protocol
Dogma vs Retro (Functional Liberal) Firewall Anti Nuclear /Terrorism

Pentecostal vs Mass (Freed Intellects) Halal Anti Pandemic/ Epidemic

Union vs Speed (2 tiers max) Rohs Anti Tsunami/Earth Quake

Tither Protocol vs Firewall Anti Politic Corruption

Levy Protocol vs Halal Anti War Crime

Duty Protocol vs Rohs Anti Licenses Free


80’s 八十后 (MY/MCA) 旧情绵绵 琴棋书画 1700’s Hangtuah->Salvation Army & Scout Brigades
100yrs once off opportunity Eschatology Calendar

Preview->2016s’ PC II Generations Series with Coding Core

90’s 九十后 (TW/BJG) 狮王争霸 吃喝玩乐 1800’s Tionghua->Christian Wall the Green Camp
3yrs more or less stalled Judi Arrival Calendar

Preview->Union Fellowship Dominated & Promised Land Focus

00’s 零零后 (HK/SHA) 五福临门 衣食住行 1900’s ABC->Christian Mathematic Method
30yrs max or less Union Calendar

Preview->Chinese Security Bank get Hijacked & Secured

10’s 一零后 (SG/CHQ) 金枝玉叶 阳光水空气土地 1600s’ Raffles->Pentecostal Rejuvenate Medicine

10yrs repeat max 3x Pentecostal Calendar

Preview->Financial Revolution of Rating Credit indeed

“God doesn’t play dice” – Einstein 1900’s due Anti Drama

Revelation “Future is once off, but repeating is always” 3:7 – Darwin Theory
Flipping rule out the Possibility.

a. Terrorism Activities: Relativity implement on IT network to boost Migration

b. Climate Change Conspiracy: Harbour Lately Guam Pearl Crab.

c. Nuclear UV mass massacre Crime Disruption: Australia Green advanced technology to counter Crime Disruption.

d. DNA mutation clinical Guinea as Humanity Bottom
RC. Threshold
: Computer Trojan and AR, VR, then RC.

Book of Life

Royalism, Buckingham Raffles->Whitehouse ABC->Bluehouse Tionghua

Vatican Italy Spice of India, Charismatic Wave 1st before World War vs Buckingham Colonisation to Thailand dominated the Rice

Fruit of Tree
African Democracy the Millennium Machine, Charismatic Wave 2nd before End Time
vs Whitehouse. ABC Democracy vs Buddhism Democracy vs Islam Democracy, Myanmar War, Judi War

->PC I, Digital Commuting Transport vs Buddhism Buckingham Metrological Transport

Western Semitic Chinese Semitic Scapegoat, Vietnam War, Mafia War Scapegoat

->PC II, Universal Device vs BlueHouse Scalar Machine, Berg vs Burg, Idol Meta War Vatican War
Brief: Quantum Machine->Digital Commuting->Hubbing Universal Device

Democracy, Oriental Pearl “64” NASA phase I expanding->NASA II, Continental “911”-> NASA III, Great Eastern “Covid-19 Series Generation Pandemic to Epidemic”

Christian Education

1. Christian Mathematic NKJV CHQ

2. Christian Science KJV HK

3. Christian Music ESV BJG

4. Christian Medicine: NIV Translation MY

5. Christian Economic CCB Translation SG
Translation CUVB Union Version 6. Christian Politics: TW

6. Christian Marketing: Tyndale Translation Hebrew Version SHA

a. Just Formula and Numbering from Revelation Dust i.e. Quantum Genesis: Water, Light, Air

b. Essential Science from Science Making etc. Method

c. Music Instrument Select & Biblical Genetic & Archaeology Chronography Meta Science

d. Translation Engine Development Model e. Thermal Holy Baptism corresponded Nazi

f. Baptism to Political Evolution: From Marxism Academy Politics, to Reconciliation Music Rooting corresponded Democracy University Politics

g. Music Doctrinal Mass Logistic replaceable Logistic Navigation the for
Cryptography Finale as Meta Aggregates, e.g. Security Bug

Economic Harvest Model & Car Economic & Engine Thermal Model

Renault Hyundai Ionised Reynold Boost Combustion rate. Annealed Stainless Holden Window] [Open [Jet compressor) Only for Asia Developed Cast Engine Tesla

Reynold Car i.e. the Temperature Zone Alignment to 43Celsius Max Guarantee. Reynold 37.5Celsius->hence norminal Duty Tither 20% Max is about 33%
[replaceable Engine Spirit], boost Holy Stability

i.e. Psi Car ->Audio Speaker Gain & Robustness Personal
Increase Mileage, Mill Gauge, immediate Mod [Dry out the Radiator]

i.e. Celsius Car->Light Radiation Beam->Free Ion Radiant
->UPS boost of Thrust. Fuel Cell Free Burden Rocket-liked Progressive Loading, with

i.e. Tesla Car R3
Increase Ionised Boost Air, Pick Up Thrust within the equivalent Horse Powered Per Boundary.

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