Y82. Christianity or Islam is Cult? (Bulletin)

UN, (Nationalist,east, Islam) Fundamentalist Presbyterian: Taiwan->France (True Methodology) due to Salvation by Family or Principle.
NATO, (Nationalist,west, Christianity) Fundamentalist Catholic: Australia->Germany

NATO, (Royalist,east, Christianity), Fundamentalist Methodist *Anglican: Taiwan->Germany
UN, (Royalist,west, Islam), Fundamentalist Methodist *Salvation Army: Australia->France (False Methodology) due to Salvation by Family or Principle. Instead, it lead to Truth, the Sanctification. The Holy Spirit by Gift. Skip Baptism.

Christianity platform is Quartz Computer. It is originated from the closed form to open space where the heaven. The Orthodox religion. God existence.

Islam platform is Semiconductor Computer. It is originated from the open space to closed form where the heaven. The Ancient religion. God is anything.

Cult is defined as Atheism with Not believe in Words but Spirit. The all Islam denomination and all Christianity denomination is not Cult except Pentecostal Christianity. It is linked to Royalist west United States, and Nationalist west Australia.

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