Y832. Timeline Phase, Century Phase, & Chronicle Phase (Broadcast)

i. Timeline: Lock 10 (Post A.D. 后世, Incarnation)
Clock: Watched, 1 unit Signoid Margin i.e. ISO :8min,50min, Jerusalem to Geneva Timezone, ISO Standard (Multi Ergonomics)
John Gospel: Ah Boy, i.e. James
Overhead Duty Meta Pentecost Code R1
Oriental->Noel i.e. Zechalia (New Civilisation), New Canaan
ESV (Rambo)/Tyndale (Ancient Dragon, Titus)/NIV (Jurassic): UK/RUS/JPN

ii. Century: Lock 100 (A.C 末代, Reborns)
Clock: Lap, 1 unit Stalled Index, i.e. Metric =33%,66%, Completeness, Metric SI (Multi-Function)
Matthew Gospel/Luke Gospel: King/Queen, i.e. Nazareth
Tax Mortal Moses Code R2/R4
Adventist->Jacob i.e. Hosea (New Education System), New Israel
KJV (Apollo)/Holman (False Prophet, Wisery)/CSB (Star War): AU/US/HK

iii. Chronicle: Lock 1000 (B.C. 主前, Resurrection)
Clock: Glance, 1 unit Index = 1hour , Imperial Index (Multi-Social)
Mark Gospel: Duke, i.e. 2nd Coming Jesus Celebrity
Royalty Dogma Hex Code R3
Utopia->Levi i.e. Habakkuk (New Bi-Carbohydrated Genealogy), New Jerusalem
CCV (Robin)/NKJV (Man of Sins, Batman)/CUV (Marvel): TW/EU/SG

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