Y84. Disruption Clean Energy Economy Conspiracy & Knowledge Economy Conspiracy (Bulletin)

Tell you, we are in a era of very beginning in the timeline of Jesus Advent. Before the Holy Spirit become very weak, this era wont passing over. We are not suppose to multiply the Holy Spirit but dispersing. There is either growth or stay.
Both Micro and Macro Scale. If we boosting, there may be revenge, cautious.

By this analogy, the Nuclear device wont bring us backward but to the future states where evil spirit boosted. Its a wise choice to put down nuclear weapon, for this is beneficial to evil. Cannot use Holy Spirit against Evil, is failure.
But repay the Evil with Love. There is no alternative way. In the front line, Holy Spirit is brightest as Sunshine. This is the beginning.

Holy Spirit not suppose to against Holy Spirit, but Righteous. Righteous is minimised the vulnerability by increase the failure mode. By doing that verbally, beneficial to both side. This is strategy game. Some time we ought to be Forgiveness.

One thing for sure, is to make victory, significant how much you lose. Magic versus Science. Either way.

Let talk about Pseudo Science. It is a branch of Science called Social Science. Its also known as Information System.
Or Spiritual World to be exact. Another Branch of Pseudo Science is Genetic Science. As long as it is non Engineering Technology involving. It is existence for alteration and destruction.

For Engineering, it is the conversion of Energy into Good uses. For this reason, I believe the Covid-19 and its variants is masterpiece of Pseudo Science. By alteration of existence virus. Also Called Reverse Engineering.

To cure is to by alteration or other advanced skills. Anything works. But not those open sourced. Those are not bearing any responsibility and no economy value. As long the Vaccine is good distributing.

This is how knowledge economy works and no economy value belong to Conspiracy of Epidemic. The right methodology is to zoom in, and have to be right to opensource vaccine manufacturer.

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