Y840. Dogma Lighting Protocol corresponded 3 Final Destination (Post)

i. 火星人/古早人 RY/Q Lamb the High Capita GNP Holy Spirit Apostle (Ribs, Private) Heaven Graded – Atonement – Judi Express to Renaissance (Satellite’ based Government) – Oriental Express BBC (Tsunami vs Semitic Villain Chosen), Judi Express/Union a.k.a. Worship Calendar
e. White Light 60:40 99 Agape NASA (Graded Axis), 1st (1cents) – Yuan vs (Dinner Card) – Copyright & Legacy
f. Warm Light 75:75 86 Platinum WHO 1st (2cents) – Pound vs (Debit Card) – Manufacturing & Fabrication
Transferable Credit e.g. Ante/Tither a.k.a. R3 the Financial Rating Credit & Deficit – Express or Route AU/SG
Union Bank – Far East Bank (DBS,CITIBank) – Book of Life@Marriage Benchmark
Tither Credit (Warranty) vs Blackmail Terms@Boycout
Matthew & Luke Gospel@CP to CPPC rating Socialism, Redemption 赎罪原罪恩膏 or Fire Lake Route 永不超生@Wordprison

ii. 月宫人/不老人 Omega/A Goat the High Deficit GINI Holy Soul Saint (Nerve, Public) Mirror Alternate – Reconciliation – Exodus Route to Promised Land (Calendar’ based Government) – Eden Garden BC (Nuclear vs Spiritual Villain Arbitrary), Duty Exodus/Pentecostal a.k.a. Dating Calendar
c. Neon Light 40:60 69 Romance WWF (Alternate Axis), 3rd (8cents) – Token vs (Nets) – Food & Beverage
d. Polarised Light/Rainbow Light KMT, 99:1 73 Pluto, 3rd (dollar) – Sterling vs (VISA Card) – Delivery & Travel
Intangible Credit e.g. Insurance/Investment R2/R4 the Meta Duty Service Tax & Exemption – Departure or Route e.g. ISR/TW
Insurance Bank – Chinese Bank (UOB,HSBC) – Criminal Records@Original Sins Benchmark
Pot Credit (Guarantee) vs Ransom Tax@Sanction
Acts & Acts II@CAP rating Capitalism, Atonement 救赎宝座恩典 or First World Route 脱胎换骨@Trojan Horse

iii. 地球人/古来人 Alpha/Z Sheep the High Gross Capital GDP Holy Ghost Natalie (Bone, Fashioned) Deja-vu Schism – Redemption – Official Terminal to Utopia (Studio’ based Government) – Heaven Inaugural Post-AD (Genocide vs Biblical Villain Ancient), Emmanuel Official/Easter a.k.a. Sacred Calendar
a. Gland Light 50:50 68 Puppy UN (Schism Axis), 2nd (3cents) – Dollar vs (American Express) – Telecommunication & Union
b. Flash Light 1:99 37 Artistic NATO, 2nd (4cents) – Won vs (Master Card) – Administration & Fulfilment
Tangible Credit e.g. Token/Cash a.k.a. R1 the Overhead/Debit/Net worth – Terminal or Route e.g. US/HK
Investment Bank the Commodities Competitive Fairness per Gross Capital – Congregational Bank (Posb,Public Bank)- Financial Credit Rating@Righteousness Benchmark
Ante Credit (Assurance) vs Watchdog Calendar@Portfolio
Book of Revelation@PC rating Royalism, Miracle 单身养家糊口 or Third World Route 家破人亡@Guinea Colony

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