Y845. Protocol Rohs, Lilith, Sigma (Post)

i. Rohs Correlation Protocol (Buddhism, Puritan Christian): Anti Climate Change
Civil War the Meta War – Christian Treasure *Deficit the Calendar Ransom

Duty Ransom the Economic Development Model (i.e. Turkey in the Straw) – Sheep (a.k.a. Spaded) vs Lost & Found Sheep the 101 Cult (Omega vs A), Fig Tree 无花果 37 vs Leaf 叶子 21

Tiananmen Jail Human Right Glasses the Colony Protest Event “64”

African or Chinese Democracy the Massachusetts War – Fox the Monarchy Royal, Academic (a.k.a. Apple the Coke) vs Rabbit the Democrat Royal, Academy (a.k.a. Grape the Pepsi)

“Water to Wine” (Multinational Democracy Progress Education – New Jacob Passover Calendar)

Oriental->Exodus i.e. Semitic Elections (Dynasty, English Meta Book)(e.g. Etymology Hybrid Architecture, Apologetic Prophecy Chronicle, Casino Ultimate Science)

Egyptian Elections (Monarchy, Islam Text Book)(e.g. Quantum Circuit the Dogma, Engine Core the Moses, Catalyst Mechanics the Pentecost)

Chinese Elections (Royalism, Chinese Literature Book)(e.g. 史记, 旧约, 谭盾)

Schism Core – Calendar Schism the Anti Clockwise Calendar (i.e. East India Company the Mafia Imperial Duty Free a.k.a. Delphi) – 10 years Watched Hour (一小龙)

Schism Route or Fallen (Hell)


ii. Lilith Correlation Protocol (New Age, Union Christian): Anti Pandemic Conspiracy
Cold War the Imperial War – Oriental Blueprint *Capita the Spiritual Villain

CP rating the Heaven Standard (i.e. Turkish Match) – Lamb (a.k.a. Clubs) vs Repel Lamb the 50 percentile Gentile (RY vs RQ), Jupiters 月宫 18 vs Saturns 火星 38

Covid Clinic Essential Glasses the Hygienic Protest Event “311”

Oriental Marxist or Western Communist the WallStreet War – Canon the Apostolic Ministry (i.e. Hebrew Testament) vs Tabernacle the Saintly Mission (i.e. Chinese Testament)

“Real Heaven” (Federation Climate Feedback Civilisation – New Noel Canaan Land)

Adventist->Renaissance i.e. Metrology Laboratory, Calligraphy Studio, Chronography Museum 

Graded Core – Spiritual Graded the Dogma Fulfilment (i.e. Nazi Organised Politician Scandal a.k.a. Demonic) – 100 years Century Timeline (一小坪)

Graded Express or Burst (Fire Lake)


iii. Sigma Correlation Protocol (Islam, Fundamentalist Christian): Anti Humanity Crime
World War the Wall War – Semitic Essential *Capital the Linger

Wall & War the Political Evolution Moves (i.e. Aegean Sea) – Goat (a.k.a. Diamond) vs Sheppard Dog the 666 Sigma (Alpha vs Z), Olive 橄榄树 999 vs Sakura 榕树 666

New York Mental Privacy Glasses the Terrorism Protest Event “911”

Contemporary or Classic Dogma the Broadway War – Biblical Casting Translation vs Chronicle Casting Credit

“Roma Sequel” (Federal Rating Credit Finance – New Moses Medicine Renaissance)

Promised Land->Revelation i.e. Heaven Inaugural

Alternate Core – Capital Alternate the Fashioned Government (i.e. ISIS Syndicate Trade Hierarchy Alliance a.k.a. Satanic) – 1000 years Chronicle Era (一小门)

Alternate Terminal or Capped (Mirror)


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