Y849. UN Security Loopholes – The Chinese Security Union Proposal (Broadcast)

Five Threat Ransom

i. Essential Hygienic:
Broadcast Persecution Warner->Guinea the Clinical Informal Dogma
WHO: Veterinary Admission
Pandemic->Epidermic e.g. AIDs Flu, Viral to Brute force embedding
Tampered: Physiology Medicine or Vitamin Medicine

ii. Security Control:
Economic Development: Global Warming Warner->Poverty Class Deficiency
NATO: Core Engine Underdevelopment->Quantum Mechanics Error on Material Precision
Nuclear Safety->Sea Tunnel Endanger Myth e.g. Dolphin Legend, Freed Army Legend etc.
Tampered: Catalyst Filler e.g. Cryptography Fusion to Make Budget into Premium Value. e.g. UV embedded Organic, Chemical, Metal, Resins, etc.

iii. Fellowship Chapel:
Quantum Device Bugs Warner->Loss Family Contact
UN: Intelligence Channel Hijacked
Tsunami Machine Learning->Mach Bandwidth 16jumper into Super White Noise 33jumper Attack
Tampered: GPS bandwidth Magnetic Disruption e.g. Ferrite Core

iv. Heaven Standard:
Metrology Navigation Protocol Warner->Terrorism Time lock Building or Vehicle
NASA: Space Agency Sway Continent
Replica the Clone Weapon e.g. Cast out Mach or Consultancy Deficit
Tampered: Auto Timezone healing, e.g. Davinci Personal Satellite, Israel Calendar Algorithm

If Discard of IT communication, the Remastered Channel Off Track.

With IT communication, the Spiritual World can be remaster back.
And we can change the History with Moses Law & Coding in Works with Royalism Legislation Political Progressiveness Programs.

No Moses Law & Coding in Works, no Law and No Social Bonding and Universal Function resultant.

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