Y85. Doctrine Salvation Mode (Broadcast)

To Guard the Family is to Guard the Country and yourself. This is what Nationalism all about. Peace, comes at a Price.

List out the Doctrine corresponding to Functional Mode

1. United Kingdom Anglican (United Kingdom)(Thailand)(Education) versus Episcopal (Netherlands)(Vietnam)(Research): Arminianism/Advent Theology has shield the member from Intelligence Abuse by Advocate the Christian Ministry. The Functional Mode of Episcopal is to perform Christian Education such as Legacy in terms of Advanced or Express Stream as well as Christian Ministry such as Medicine Research, Climate Research and Economy Research by categorised same Ethnic toward True Renaissance.

Salvation Indian->Moses ->Implemented Moses Law->Economy Booming (Christianity Reformation)->Across Red Sea

2. United States Fundamentalist Catholic (France)(Japan)(Holiness) versus Pentecostal (United States)(Korea)(Social): Christology/Systematic Theology advocate the Liberal and Holiness adhering to United States geographical characteristic, this has shield the Pentecostal member from Intelligence Abuse by Free Loop to Advanced Industrial Era. The Functional Mode of Pentecostal is to develop the Economy Power in terms of Advanced Technology by Theology Research and Experimental Applied Physics to Free Loop of Geographical Economics Characteristic.

Salvation Asian->Solomon ->Composing Music->Economy Discovery (Church Planting)->Founded Israel

3. Australia Fundamentalist Presbyterian (Germany)(Indonesia)(Follower) versus Eastern Orthodox (Russia)(Malaysia)(Pioneer): Calvinism/Canonical-logy Theology has conditional on protecting from Intelligence Abuse due to Advocate Blind Investing by Blind Faith, in which the condition is just general Reconciliation or Pre-Baptism. Cautious of Guarantor Certified which is disobey the Moses Law. The Functional Mode of Fundamentalist Presbyterian is to develop the Portfolio of Civilisation in terms of Proprietary Economic Science e.g. Theoretical Rocket Science in building toward the Promised Land.

Salvation African ->Noah ->Build the Ark->Economy Invention (Religion Unity)->Win over the Flood

4. Europe Fundamentalist Methodist (Ireland)(Singapore)(Hero) versus Roman Catholic (Italy)(Hongkong)(Coward): Victory/Anabaptism Theology required True Faith bring along to True Forgiveness, True Righteousness, and True Patience. This is where those countries highly forbidding from Intelligence Abuse. However this comes at a compromise on how extent of Social Ranking or Integrity of the member among the Groups, a.k.a. Anti Social Acts. Functional Mode of Fundamentalist Methodist is to Safe Guard the Country and Christianity from become a Cult by Crime Disruption toward Church Reformation & Church Planting to multiple selective geographical doctrine.

Salvation Chinese->Joshua ->Manifest of God->Economy Downturn (Mass Preaching)->Settling at Canaan

By merging these four loops no sequences, we may get the ultimate end loops in which where alpha and omega leads, and hence the pasting onto A to Z time line that lead to True Oriental the so called Heaven.

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