Y853. Roots cause of War & Wall (Whiteboard)

Roots cause of War & Wall

i. Chronicle: Gene 1,2,3: New Hebrew, New Noel, New Jacob – Abraham Alpha to Omega

World War (Silk Road) – Wall Treaty of Religion Unity

Roots cause: Ottoman Empire Medicine Renaissance

Veterinary the Clinical vs Cryptography the Metric

“Marvell – Healing”

ii. Century: PC 1,2,3: Timepiece Civilisation, Computer Civilisation, Satellite Civilisation – Noel Alpha to Omega

Cold War (First of May) – Meta Glorification of Schism Theology

Roots cause: Nazi Communist Legacy Inheritance

Arabic Accounting (ISO JPN/CN Imperial) occur of Population Census vs Pentecost Accounting (ISO British/American Graded) occur of Population Census

“Steven Spielberg – Meta”

iii. Timeline: NASA 1,2,3: New Education system Extent: Moon, Mars, Jupiter – Jacob Alpha to Omega

Civil War (Yellow Ribbon) – Semitic Rank of Rating Credit

Roots cause: Neo Nazi Pentecostal Calendar

Federation the Academic Tuition vs Royalism the Academy Lecture

“James Bond – Intelligence”

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