Y861. Copyright: LEEBP Operation Shepherd Man (Bulletin)

i. PC 1,2,3 (Watched, Anti Clockwise), Messi & Nazareth (Matthew Leap Luke Gospel)
Timothy (UK & GER: KR/UK Nazi Organised)
Nehemiah Settlement, Moon in Beidou, 4per Federation
ZION: Cupid Hunter vs Jacob
Fallen Gentile: Star War Judi, Spiritual Stellar Head Lent
Financial Rating Credit@Ante, Liability i.e. License, Royalty R3
Etymology Security (Cult Follower & Ante Cult Icon)
WHO: Natalie Persecution the Meta Genocide Dishonouring, Nehemiah Wall
*Patriarch Babyboom Schism Route 2nd – Capital Deficit ITA GNI – 2008’ ISR/PAL

ii. Car 1,2,3 (Laps, Clockwise), James the Baptist (John Gospel)
Philemon (TW vs CN: DPRK/US Fasci Mafia Think Tank)
Berlin Settlement, Moon in South Polar, 7per Federal
CIA: Peterburg Hunter vs Samuel
False Holy Spirit: Marvel Exodus, Biblical Villain Loyalty
Criminal Record@Insurance, Trade i.e. Warranty, Loyalty R2/R4
Meta Tax (Penthouse vs Playboy)
NATO: Semitic Persecution the Nativity Disaster Colony, Berlin Wall
*Chartered Babyboom Graded Express 1st – Capita FRN GDP – 2023’ MY/SG

iii. Gene 1,2,3 (Glance, Chronicle Small Leap), J-suit or Brother (Mark Gospel)
Thessalonians (SG to MY: JPN/AU Neo Nazi Scapegoat)
38 Wall Settlement, Moon in Meteor, 2per Multinational
FBI: Michael Hunter vs Zechariah
Sigma the Sheppard Dog: Jurassic Park Terminal, Linger Royalty
Duty Ransom Calibre@Tither, Assurance i.e. Guarantee, Lent R1
Identity Thief (Conspirator to Criminal)
NASA: Christian Persecution the Illegal Identity Terrorism, 38 the Great China Wall
*Royal Babyboom Alternate Terminal 3rd – Capital BRZ GNP – 1997’’ SHA/TW

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.