Y864. Christian Education Standard Part I (Whitepaper)

i. IBM all in 1: Moses Code (44Bit, Purity R2)
VR – Transformers (Feed Port) ESD Field Electric Grid Field, Signal Detector, Authenticator
Meta Mark, Mach Speed I, Heaven Standard the Imperial Chinese the Imperial/Canaan Standard the British System
Lungs 肺, Gauging (Moon/Fog)(Water/Lizard/Spore DNA Acute)
Oriental 西天 – Horizons 水平线
Soul 灵魂 – Breath 呼吸
Royal – Queen->Guinea->Goddess
Office – 100 Meta *Rolling 6 (Lunar Calendar, Union, Passover, Terminator)

ii. Mac Mini: Hex Code (44Bytes, Meta R3)
AR – Cyborg (SLR) IR Field
Kelvin Mark, Mach Purity Number J, New Canaan Standard the American System
Hearts 心, Buffering (Galaxy/Star)(Air/Mice/Viral mDNA Chronic)
Adventist 乐园 – Universal 元宇宙
Holy Spirit 圣灵 – Rib
King James Version, CSV (Pentecostal the Generic), New King James Version CCB (Emmanuel the Dogma), English Standard Version CUV (Dogma the Union)
Patriarch – King->Linger
Union – 20 Meta *Surface 8 (Galaxy Calendar, Pentecostal, Christmas, Judi)

iii. HP inverter: Pentecost (44K, Value R1)
AI – Autobots (IOT) RF Field, Sound Spatial Field, Mach Constant the Mac Address, Meta Clock, Timezone
Hall Mark, Mach Constant C, Heaven Standard the Imperial
Pancreas 胰, Reciting (Solar/Satellite)(Sunlight/Mosquito/Virus RNA ENT)
Promised Land 美世界 – Horizontal 地平线
Holy Ghost 圣徒 – Bone
Minor Major Prophecy, Discipleship, Apostolic, Saintly
Chronicle – Servant->Biblical
Family – 6 Meta *Mirror 18 (Solar Calendar, Emmanuel, Easter, Eschatology)

iv. Dell Silent: Script Code (44Mbps, Data R4)
RC – Crabmachine (Circuit Timer) EMF Field Teleport
Data Mark, Mach Value, R, International Standard the Metric
Sex Gland 肾, Archiving (Cloud/Windy)(Rock/Cockroach/Germs Oncology)
Utopia 乌托邦 – Kingdom of God 神的国度
Holy Church 圣所 – Dust
Tabernacle, Chapel, Cathedral, Pentagon
Chartered – Jack->Duke->Emperor->Stellar Head
Agency – 200 Meta *Surface 8 (Season Calendar, Obladi Oblada, Habakkuk, Gloria)

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.