Y866. Crabmachine Trade secret (Whitepaper)

Oriental (Reynold, ESD Cloud/Windy), Adventist (Psi/Tesla, IR Moon/Fog), Promised Land (Celsius, UV Solar/Satellite)

i. GPS Network Band – Controller, Computer System (Router Wifi)
Wifi the Radioactivity Meter@Mimo the Sigma Protocol
6eG (ISO Arabic)/7G (ISO Pentecost)/7eG (ISO Nativity)
God Made, Automation Staging Fulfilment
CPPC/PC Rating (Hardware due Computer Speed Bottleneck, Whistle Campaign)

ii. UPS Telescope Tuning Regulator – Gauge, Robotic System (Bluetooth USB App)
Energy Meter@Firewall Rohs Protocol
LTE Satellite/CDMA Telescope Network
King Made, Remote control, Weather/Thermal/Economics/Logistic/Mode Settling
CP Rating (Switch Gear the Legacy Bottleneck, Merchant Intangible)

iii. PI&D Laps Circuit – Camera, Vision System (Deco Wifi)
Radar@GPS Lilith protocol)
Camera Mirrorless/Aperture Webcam
Man Made, Pilot Run, Parametric Control->Fabrication Cast Out
CAP Rating (Software due Configuration Bottleneck, Trade Protocol the Tangible)

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.