Y870. The 9 Salvator Chronicle WHO 123 Hell the Semitic 12Sects Church Blueprint & Dogma Gender (Journal)

9 Salvator

i. George Washinton vs Abraham Lincoln:
Levi vs England Hebrew
Fundamentalist Church: Congregational vs Presbyterian
Quartet Music vs Folks Music (CDN)

England Hebrew Mono-Meta 4th Rank (1st Tier)

ii. John Wesley vs Elizabeth II:
England Anglo vs British Canaan
Puritan Church: Anglican vs Methodist
Hymns Music vs Opera Music (CDN)

British Bi-Meta 3rd Rank (2nd Tier)

iii. Martin Luther King Junior vs God Father Elvis Presley vs Neil Arms Strong:
African’ Ashed vs Gothic vs Dutch the Greek
Orthodox: Oriental Charismatic Church vs Eastern Pentecostal vs Roman Vatican
Jazz Music vs Blues Music (CDN) vs Hill Music

Gothic Tri-Meta 2nd Rank (3rd Tier)

iv. Martin Luther vs St. Peterburg:
Israelite Jude vs Chinese/Indian Three Hebrew Samuel
Protestant Church: Lutheran vs Calvary
Hard Rock Music (CDN) vs China Blues/Hits Music

Jude Trinity-Meta 1st Rank (4th Tier)

Rule Out is the Root Cause of Meta Humanity Crime War of Refugee.

11per Semitic Sects vs 1per Semitic Sect in Japanese Hebrew Geisha.

Hongmeng the Kidnap infringe, affiliated with ZION

ZION (HK Minister Hongkong Royal, Natalie & Christian Persecution, Fasci Communist Chinese Church, 666 Cult Nativity Hongkong) vs WWF (Macao Casino)

Gold Purity reach 14 generation->Flipflop Cryptography the Galaxy Coherent Shrinking Phenomenon. A.D. 1997’ ‘Meteor the 1st->NHK in Kluang Kampung.

(Credit to Semitic Congress in Wikipedia)

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.