Y876. Terrorism & Its Initiatives & Infringements (Post)

i. A. Taliban – “Sarah Law 911″ Commercial Law & the Banking Mis-conduction – DPRK/Guinea Isle/ Indonesia e.g. Timur, Tioman

B. Nazi Organised Funding – “Union Babyboom Personal Computer Evolution” “Heaven or Even Catechism Legacy” – US/GER/Buckingham Academy

C. Qing Organised “GIC Funding” Phoenix, “NATO” CCB – Vision Theology – SG/THAI

ii. A. Aqueda – “Shia Law 311″ Criminal Law & Metrology Mis-conduction – JPN/Virgin Isle/Burma e.g. Maldives, Redang

B. Fasci Mafia Think Tank – “Vatican Chronicle Schism Core” “Hymn or Improvised Doctrinal Foundation” – ITA/FRA/London Academic

C. Fasci Communist ‘Chinese Alliance’ Hongmen, “KMT” CUV – Fundamentalist Theology -TW/PHILIPPINES

iii. A. ISIS – “Hama Law Covid-19″ the Hygienic Law the Halal Food Mis-conduction – KR/Triangle Isle/ Bermuda e.g. Bali, Phuket

B. Neo Nazi Syndicate Scapegoat – “Charismatic Century Wave” “Democrat or Dynasty Economic Harvest” – AU/RUS/Edinburg Economics

C. Nazi Communist ‘Semitic Congress” NgeeAnn, “ZION” CNSV – Dogma Theology – HK/VIET

“The War has to be Long terms Endervour but not Once off, it sure lead to Fatal terminal”

Precautious: Theology is the Foundation build upon the Islam and Christianity.

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