Y877. Puritan Legitimated Funding 3 Money 2 Weapon 三钱二枪 (Bulletin)

i. British Canaan the Olive Mint, Chinese 12 Sects (Cash, Oriental Rewards Debit e.g. Starbucks) – Sarah (Academy) – Timothy the Indian Semitic 杭州 Hongmen@Hollywood Cambridge New Jerusalem Calendar (Civil War, the Quantum Code Replica Weapon War e.g. IoT Car Troops as well as POS Merchant machine, the UV Timelock the Low Bandwidth Rush Hour, Bullet Vulnerable Triggering, Pandemic Guinea Clinical Underground Government Misconduction)

Main (Nazi Organised 1937’ Guinea Genealogy to Veterinary, JPN): GIC Tsunami Colony linked Swiss Bank, Freelance the Independence Party Funds:Chinese the Yellow Security due Pound the Fabrication Money->Swiss Bank (Ipoh Chinese New Royal 2nd Tiers 二代 Corinthians, SG Expatriat Greencamp King God Father, Xinzhonghua 新中华府, Sydney Harbour) e.g. DBS Investment Linked, HSBC, OCBC, UOB (HQ: 999 Olive Tree, UK/Skudai, Fasci Communist Hama Law or Halal Levi Protocol Taliban “64” UK)

Vulnerable: “311“ Occurrence Spoilt – Guinea Trojan Vulnerable *Widow Neon Lights Green Camp the Red Light District@Nuclear Hoax First World Settlement Supernova Exodus Route Book of Genesis Myth, NATO/ZION (Copyright & Calendar 777 GNI Christian Seal, Retired Medicare Fund vs Duty Ransom Tax (Anti Semitic) the Extremist Sanction)(Criminal Genealogy Blueprint 5per “911”)

ii. Australian Indian (Currency, VISA Union Intangible Currency e.g. Bitcoin) – New Canaan 12 Sects – Hama (Economic) – Philemon the Islam Semitic 苏州 NgeeAnn@Bollywood Cisco Skynet i.e. Server, Moses Code ISO Imperial Standard Hijacked, JPN SpaceX/CN CNASA (World War, the Renaissance Defence Universal Instrument Weapon War” e.g. RF Mach Constant the Mac Address corresponded Timezone embedded in only High Duty Enclosure Desktop Computer, Server Farm or Computer Shop, Nuclear Testing Windy Mach Constant Vulnerable Prevention)

Main (ISIS Organised 1969’ Guinea Fibre to Codec, KR): Tamasek linked World Bank Korea, Computer Robotic Trojan Funds Vatican Pentecostal Fund: Indian the Inked UV Security due Sterling the Food Money->World Bank (Kelantan Chinese Royal Traitor 3rd Tiers 三代 Titus, MY Chinese Refugee Bluecamp Jack Emperor, Zhongnanhai 中南海, Macao Casino) e.g. CIMB Investment Linked, RHB, Public, Hongleong (HQ: Klang/HK 666 Fig Tree, US/Woodlands, Democrat Patriarch Shia Law Sigma Protocol Aqueda “911 Hoax” AU Pre B.C. Baby Boom Timeline)

Vulnerable: “Covid-19“ Occurrence Spoilt – Guinea Spiritual Vulnerable *Orphan Child Slave Yellow Camp the Home Care@Tsunami Black Hole New Elections Underground Government World Judi Express 4 Book of Gospel Prophecy Rainbow Bridge, NASA/WHO (Trade Mark & Credential GDP 999 Olive Semitic Tree, Meta Tax vs VISA Tax (Anti Heaven, Sarah), Utopia Journey and Terrorism Duty Ransom)

(Semitic Treasure War: Holy Spirit Generic Meta Clock 6per “311”)(Meta War: Pink Panther/Fox Pluto many-many vs Catwomen/Rabbit Artistic many to 1)

iii. American Born Chinese, Semitic 12Sects (Subsidy, Tangible Credit GDP City e.g. R coin) – Shia (Academic) – Thessalonian the Chinese Semitic 满族 Phoenix@HK Hollywood, Salvation Army Geonet i.e. IoT, Pentecost Code ISO Metric Standard Hijacked, Natural Gas i.e. Gold Purity AU/Storage Gas i.e. Reynold Cypto CN (Cold War, the Spiritual War)

Main (Qing Organised 1920s Guinea Colony to Ransom, DPRK): AIA linked Alliance Bank Germany, Civilisation Government Abuse Funds: Semitic the Ashed RF Security due Dollar the Commuting Money->Alliance Bank (Penang Chinese Royal 1st Tiers 一代 Galatians, NHK Malaysian Chinese Utopia Yellow Camp Queen Royal Economist, Zhonghua 华府, Whitehouse) e.g. JP Morgan Investment, Standard Chartered, CITI (HQ: New South Polar *Earth Centric Layered Core the “Oriental Blueprint”, AU/JB, Nazi Communist Sarah Law Rohs Protocol ISIS “Covid-19” US)

Vulnerable: “911” Occurrence Spoilt – Guinea Colony Vulnerable *Maverick Hietus Blue Camp@Pandemic Jupiter Third World Official Book of Revelation Journey Twin Galaxy, WWF/UN (Patent & Legacy GNP 666 Fig Gentile Tree, Service Tax vs Labour Tax (Anti Dogma, Hama), First World Settlement 租界 Issue and Genocide Forensic depending)(Semitic Demography New Jacob Evolution Exodus 10per “64”)

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