Y887. God Ministry Part III: Disruption Christian Persecution (Bulletin)

A. Anti Semitic – Social Disorder
Anti Christ the Dogma – Social Insecurity
Anti God the Heaven – Social Disharmony

B. Christian Persecution<Anti Semitic
4 Covenant Principle – Major 4 top Disaster, Tsunami, Nuclear, Virus, Terrorism
Holy Spirit 6 type Biblical Villain

C. 6 Sigma, Devil the linger. (Tsunami, Colony)
1 Lambda, False Christ the beast. Time stalled rush hour, (Nuclear, False Baptism Practictioner due Gospel Leak)
666 Sigma, Satan, no bear fruit but yeast fruit, inproper baptism (Tsunami Conspiracy Mastermind)
6666 Sigma, Serpent the matched, inmatured dairy deeded (Tsunami, Scapegoat the False Christ)
777 Omega Sheppard Dog, Man of Sins (Viral, High Spiritual Orthogonal View but too Sacrifices)
7 Lambda, False Prophet with Express Baptism and Marriage Viral. (The Salvator but little Viral learner)

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