Y89. Rootcause of 911 Floating (Bulletin)

World Dominant City: Singapore, Pentecost Computer Language i.e. Realism Reality ->Singapore, 5G CPU a.k.a. Arbitrary Intelligence

United Kingdom, China, Malaysia: 4 Pyramid (Ethnic), Slanted Left – Law, Grace ->London, Chauvinism
United States, Indonesia: 50 Clock (Technology), Horizontal – Truth, Denomination ->New York, Information Technology
Europe, Japan: 9 Timeline (Religion), Slanted Right – Love Credit, Progression ->Germany, Fundamentalist Presbyterian
Australia, Taiwan: 6 Climate (Economy), Vertical – Endeavour, Perseverance ->Taipei, Federalism

United States: Liberal a.k.a. Nationalism->New York, Information Technology->Singapore, Pentecost Computer Language i.e. Realism Reality->Singapore, 5G CPU a.k.a. Arbitrary Intelligence

Australia: Conservative

Europe: Religion Unity->Germany, Economy Invention, Poor Operation Management

United Kingdom: Magic

Malaysia: Oriental->Penang, Hakka, Poor Leadership

China: Heaven

Taiwan: Promised Land, Economy Prosperity->Taipei, Federalism, Poor Mass Media Management

Japan: Renaissance

Indonesia: Promised Land

x2 Times: Absolutely

Rootcause of 911 Floating

The World Dominant City are for those Crime Syndicate Leader of ambition conquer the world and hiding in these important city.

To markup the success or failure of developing story after year 2001. To make the previous story before year 2001 as independent. e.g. Digital evolution has slowed down too far.

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