Y896. Christian Journey Part IX: Machine, Computer & Camera Calendar Duty (Review)

i. Geonet, GPS Gene Cell Footwell: Universe Constant, Social Broadcast Duty
Julian Calendar: Babyboom UN 1,2,3 vs PC 1,2,3
Quantum Meta Clock the Timezone i.e. Mac Address
6dbM Israel Ether Timezone i.e. Oriental; <6dbM First World Ether Timezone i.e. Virgin Isle
Meta: All Rounded/Orthogonal
Adventist: 3 Sky – Polar Bridge, Low Duty, Logistic Train
New to Final Skynet, Renaissance: Universe Constant per Climate Protocol

ii. Semi-net, IPS Film Cell Footage: Universe Constant, Scanning Duty
Sigmoid Calendar: Century NASA 1,2,3 vs NATO 1,2,3
Tither Duty the Credit AI Processed Bandwidth the Mach Speed 3 Mode i.e. Wifi Speed
2Knot Boundary (Christian Ministry, intangible Currency), Renaissance
3Knot Boundary (God Ministry, tangible Treasure), Adventist
4Knot Boundary (Public Ministry, debit Cash), i.e. Guinea Isle
Quantum: Pentecostal/Holistic
Promised Land: 3 Sea – Tunnel Bridge, Low Speed, Commuting Ship
New to Final Horizon, Eden Garden: Universe Constant Sets per Nuclear Protocol

iii. Skynet, UPS Fuel Cell Footprint: Universe Constant Machine, Analysis Duty
Pentecost Calendar: Chronicle WHO 1,2,3 vs WWF 1,2,3
The Property Value & Broadcast Coverage, Gold Purity Number 1 to 10 to 14 to 16 to 21 to 33 i.e. Mach Value the Energy Premium rating per Mac Address *RSSI Protocol
Eden Garden Horizon GPN i.e. SPN 1, 8, 9, 6/Paradise Horizon GPN i.e. CDN 2,3/Promised Land GPN i.e. VPN 7, 10, 5, 4 i.e. Christmas Isle
Tither: Account/Homogenous
Oriental: 3 Land – Cantilever Bridge, Low Coverage, Commuter Rocket
New to Final Timezone, Heaven Inaugural: Universe Constant Fixed per Genocide Protocol

Errata 26Oct2023

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