Y923. End Chronicle the Job Career Duty Ransom per Time Scale (Whitepaper)

i. Log(10), 10th 7.4 month Commonwealth, 0% Duty, Salary – Pentecostal
Oriental/Utopia MNC
Baptism to Socialist Duty the Spiritual Rating, Capital State
Official Christian the Reborn or Resurrection
Jacob the King James the New Jerusalem Suit
Eden Garden Multiplied with Islam African Suit
Heading to Chinese Harbour – Archimedes LTE (Upper Universe) AU/JB, LTE Wifi 4 Router

Eden Garden Global Village Terrace House MY@Knot II->Secret Garden Earth Village Condominium@Knot III SG

ii. Log(8), 8th=24per, Forth week, Upstream – First of May 80% Duty Load Rating,
Wage – Union
Promised Land/Exodus SME
Puritan Music to Marriage Duty the Upright Justified, Methodist the Puritan
Chronicle Christian the Christmas Nativity
Heading to New Jerusalem High Commuting Pilgrim Infrastructure – Wisery
Black 5G (Inner Universe) JB/SG
, 2.4G Wifi 6 Router

New Jerusalem Pentagon Gold Puritan@Knot II MY->New Jerusalem Pentagon Nano Material Bank Matrice@Knot III AU

iii. Log(9), 9th, 10.1=20 hour, Orthogonal, 33% Duty, Compensation Bonus – Emmanuel
Adventist/Renaissance NGO/F&B PS
Dogma to Theologian Duty the Devout Bureau, Orthogonal the Congregational
Glorified or Extremist Christian the Doctrinal Judification
Noel the Martin Luther Joshua the Christmas Suit
Heading to South Polar – Apollo White 5G (Box up Universe) SG/JB, 2.4G/5G->9G Wifi 6e Router

South Polar Ice Age@Knot II AU->Singapore Pulau Stone Age@Knot III SG

Knot I 1969′ UK’ BBC Live Intelligence Knot II 1997 MY’ Astro Broadcast Knot III 2023 CN’ Huawei Interactive Analytic

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.