Y927. The Four Pitfalls & Breakthrough Heals to Global Threats (Bulletin)

First World the Oriental route Boxup Universe Global Warming

i. Ergonomics issue Terrorism Sanction Colony, Covid-19, MH370 – AU vs US

Vet Vaccine to Computer Treatment Dilemma, Calendar Identity Issue.

Settlement of Non ISO standard Timezone.

there is JPN, KR, CN isle settlement.

Issue common has arouse in Politic evolution progress to Dynasty Dominated Commercial.

Oriental is dominated by Monarchy Federation. by Duke Emperor.

Similarity, First World Has this issue on Democracy too.

ii. Currency Issue bring Christian Persecution, Guinea Natalie Test & Guinea Natalie Colony, 64 – UK vs EU, Neo Nazi the Whitelisted Scapegoat. Nazi 2nd Home

The main reason is currency transition to pluto.

from Leveraged currency 6per to 12per Prototype currency.

e.g. VISA credit (Town) American Federal Inflation GDP (Capital Tow), to Debit Morgage credit (Metropolis) GNP per capita in the (Metropolis)

This is the reward based currency, and new rule is apply on this citizen.

Genocide against the high heritage ethic. Abraham generations. ISR Olive ->UK Mint->MY Pineapple

iii. Democracy Issue on Economics Growth Anti Semitic the African Supremacy, Climate Change & Climate Colony 513->911 – MY vs KR

For Vatican state is capital reserved limitation. Repel Lamb is God father underground Eucharist clergy

Implement ban Fabri fur legitimated e.g. branded is promote only.

First World limitation is vague bypass this.

Hence Australia is forced to become Commonwealth, so as MY.

Democracy of Christian Fundamentalist

African Lincoln Academy vs Chinese Washinton Academic

Islam Goat vs Christian Goat

iv. Energy Driven Issue Nuclear Economic & Genocide 311 – SG vs JPN

Whitepaper revolution – Fasci Mafia Thinktank in Nazi Organised funds Infrastructure in Mental House the Basement of Nazi. Government of Nazi. As UN federation 3rd party.

UN Federation, the Globalisation organisation

Patriarch the Eucharist Clergy vs Fatimah the Zion Congress Leadership vs Pope Vatican Democrat Royalist

Communist vs Fasci ISR vs Nazi HK

explanation to Transition period to Armageddon Conspiracy, Islam Jihad as redundancy of paper works and signature to royalty.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.