Y940. Brief Criminology Report on Technology Crime, Banking Crime to Hygiene Crime (Bulletin)

i. Rooted Schism Adventist Babyboom [The Quantum Machine Application into Holistic Engine & Matrices to Inner-Core Development] *Civil War 64 CIA Database Records Blacklist->Organised Crime due Book of Life
Cryptography the Rockwell Hardness Carat Index Unit PC 1 CDMDA ,2 GSM, 3 LTE,4 GSM – Meta by Network ESD Data Bandwidth *Ecosystem/Dogma & Meta/Royalist Accord Footprint Cast Out Mozart – Galaxy i.e. Moon Calendar e.g. Festival Month

a. Oriental 1-1 Galatians Hubble Telescope GSM Perfect Marriage UV Perfect
Metallurgy Mac Rating, Crabmachine *Dogma Security
Solar Galaxy (Performance CPPC rating Brass)

b. Adventist Many-Many Corinthians James Webb Telescope LTE Perfect Social IR Perfect
Casting IP Address, Cyborg *Social Security
Rainbow Galaxy (Salvation CP rating Piano)

c. Promised Land 1-1-1 Titus Geo Satellite GSM, Perfect Job EMF Perfect
Chrome DNS Rating, Autobot *Meta Security
Twin Galaxy (Harmony PC rating Guitar)

d. Utopia 1-Many Philippians CDMDA Sky Satellite, Perfect Physic ESD Perfect
Metal Mac Address, Transformer *Spirit Security
Milky Way Galaxy (Retro CAP rating Cello)

ii. Rooted Alternate Promised Land Century [The Finale Economic Souring Modelling Mechanism] *Cold War 911 FBI Bureau Legacy Sanction->Logistic Crime due Merge Company
Mechanism the Reynold Number Purity Numeric Unit NASA 1 Moons, 2 Mars,3 Saturns,4 Jupiter – Duty by ESD Boundary Scale *Ergonomics/Genealogy/Imperial Agency Footwell Layered Apollo – Universe i.e. Solar Calendar e.g. Season Event

a. Queens Town MNC – All Tax (Luke Gospel), Bankroll (Just-in-time, 3 Sigma)
b. Christ Town NGO – No Duty Tax (Mark Gospel), Insurance (Taguchi, 3 Sigma)
c. China Town SME – No Service Tax (Matthew Gospel), Ante (Calvary, 6 Sigma)
d. George Town F&B – No Meta Tax (John Gospel), Tither (Golgotha, 6 Sigma)

iii. Rooted Graded Utopia Chronicle [The Great Universe Phenomenon the Maxwell Property Value] *World War 513 ZION Bankruptcy Banking Freeze->Migration Crime due Fruit of Life
Timeframe the Hue Histogram Lumen Time Lapse Unit UN 1 Metropolis 2 International 3 Multinational, 4 Federation Landmark – Property Value by Power Phase Rating
ESD Broadcast Mileage *Economics/Eucharist/Chartered Consultancy Footage Projection Wisery – World i.e. Chronicle Calendar e.g. Watch Day

a. Hell End Time Landmark – Official Terminal vs Meteor Secret Garden Pentagon NATO, Word Prison (Islam Summer 12oclock, Zero Powered)(Cold War, Job link Computer Etymology the Atonement Identity, Job Cryptography issue)

b. Firelake End Century Laboratory – Judi Express vs South Polar Renaissance Cathedral NASA, Trojan Horse (Chinese Autumn 8oclock, High rating Powered)(World War, Bank link Church the Redemption Identity, Blooded Calligraphy Issue)

c. Third World End World Office – Exodus Route vs Supernova Eden Garden Chapel WHO, Guinea Colony (Christian Spring 6oclock, Constant Powered)(Civil War, Marriage link Government the Discovery Identity, Asset Dogma Issue)

d. New World End Chronicle Restaurant – Inaugural Victory vs Beidou Heaven Tabernacle WWF, God Misconduction (Indian Winter 2oclock, Mass Powered)(Racial Riot, Business link Celebrity the Recognition Identity, Credential Meta Issue)

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