Y944. Imperial Landed Heaven e.g. Star War Noel (Journal)

i. Oriental Golgotha 9g (Hue)
FRONT SIDE Metallurgy->Commuting Intelligence AU
James Webb Telescope LTE – Job Dogma Criminal Security Anti Nuclear
Climate Global Warming, Christian Persecution – Anti Civilian
New James – Industrial, Moses Code, Binary, Canonical
Theory@2 facts, Law, Calculus Equation
Solar Calendar – Solar Photoelectric Hall Mark i.e. Pentecostal
Discipleship the Century Pre-Christ i.e. Canonical the James: Meteor
Knot 1, 99.99%->Lambda 60:40 5.1->Ln a.k.a. Sigmoid Meta 6per
Computer Guardian, i.e. Crabmachine Holistic Healing SystemTM, Nutrition e.g. Dairy Wine Therapy (Chronic), 99.9995%->Lambda

ii. Adventist Just-in-time 10g (Reynold)
MAIN SIDE Injection Molding->Machine Learning SG
Hubble Telescope GSM – Marriage Meta Security Anti Pandemic
Nuclear Famine, Islam Persecution – Anti Heaven Royalism
New Noel – Geography, Dogma Code, Hex, Biblical
Theorem@3 facts, Act, Calculus Graph
Meta Calendar – Satellite Resonance Nano Material Pillar i.e. Holiness
Apostolic Epistle the Chronicle Post-Christ i.e. Christology the Salvator: Beidou
Knot 0, 99.9%->Theta 99:1 3.1->Pi, Log10 a.k.a. Quantum 4per
Computer Watson a.k.a. Azure, 93.3%->99.9% Quality per Error Guarantee (Trinity)
6.7%->5% Taguchi-Just in Time-Beidou against Spore (ENT)

iii. Promised Land Taguchi 8g (Celsius)
CORNER SIDE Casting->Mass Production JPN
Endeavour Telescope CDMDA – Disease Security Anti Terrorism
Terrorism Explosion Time Discrete, Vegetarian Persecution – Anti Semitic
New Salvator – Church, Pentecost Code, ASCIIL, Scripture
Principle@ 1 facts, Covenant, Arithmetic Formula
Universe Phenomenon Calendar – Dust accumulated Comet Visit Trajectory
Lightyear Datum Boundary A.D. 2061 i.e. Fabrication the Cast Out Quality
Genesis the First Alpha Christ Chronicle i.e. Mariology 1st Coming Jesus: Supernova
Knot 2, 66.6666%->6Sigma 40:60 4.1->Log a.k.a. Pentecost 5per
Computer Codec, i.e. 360 Vitamin Mechanism Catalyst Singularity Solver, 5% Accuracy positive against Virus (Acute), 99.9995%->6Sigma

iv. Utopia Cat7 7g (Tesla)
BACKSIDE Glass Filled->Analytic Calibrated EU
Crabmachine Telescope NR – Accident Security Anti Tsunami
Pandemic Super Bug Germs, Orthodox Religion Persecution – Anti Christmas Economics
New Jacob – Economics, Catechism Code, Christian Alphabet, Ten
Commandments to Other Testament
Hypothesis@many facts, Prophecy, Partial Differential Equations
Chronicle Calendar – Salvator the Theism Centric Ten Commandments
Commentary the Darwin Evolution
Book of Prophet the End Omega Christ Chronicle i.e. Calvinism the 2nd Coming
Jesus: South Polar
Knot 3, 66.6%->3Sigma 50:50 2.1->Log8 a.k.a. Sine Arabic
Computer Davinci, Physiology Bill Driven Timezone healing, 5% Accuracy positive against Germs (Oncology), 99.95%->3Sigma

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