Y959. Canon knot 1 knot 2, knot 3 (Broadcast)

Moses Code Level: Knot 1
Peter 1: Semitic Minority, Galatians.
Oriental to Exodus *Certified, Biblical
Eden Garden Islam Prestige Prior Projection Timeline, Christian Reformation to
Religion Diplomatic,
Union the Baptist Church, Operational Service Oriental
(US, UK, TW, MY)
Mark Gospel
UN2 Chronicle 2nd, Vatican Church, Federal
Insurance the Subscription Only

Moses Code Level: Knot 2
Peter 2: Semitic the Global Wide, Corinthians,
Judi Utopia Express *Underground, Private
Nativity Beidou: Fundamentalist the Congregational Preacher (US failed, UK
failed, JPN failed, FRA, AU, MY, SG, CN)
High Gross Capita to South Polar Renaissance of Utopia the New Jerusalem
Gross Capital
Puritan the Theologian Church, Missionary Gospel Oriental
Synaetic Gospel the Sacred Hearted i.e. Matthew Gospel Prior
If Chinese Hebrew: Luke Gospel Prior, Leads the Partial Only
UN1 Chronicle 1st, Bill Gate Foundation, Global Wide
Ante the Mass Only

Moses Code Level: Knot 3
John 1: Ruth
John 2: Nazareth
John 3: Elizabeth
Overlapping: 3 quartet lifespan
Revelation: Mary
Ministry Church, Oriental Legacy Oriented
John Gospel the Backup of Matthew Gospel
Stepping Stone Terminal *Official, Public
Nativity Easter Israel: Ministry Christian, Apostolic
high Gross Capita Utopia Beta to Utopia Finale the Heaven Inaugural Secret
UN3 Chronicle 3rd, Fatimah Education, Federation
Tither the Growth Only
Nehemiah point to only 1sect evil only. Only for Cold War. For semitic contest
only. Useful when Christmas drop in Adventist only.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.