Y97. Campaign Separate United States from Erotic Defect United Nations (Channel)

Legacy is Genetic information. But Worker are few. Because the Money Vapour rate is low. The make the derivative of Wealth inclined toward Intelligence. That what White Collar Executive works as Military. The low inflation rate i.e. vapour rate. Translate to labour era. Cant stop laughing.

Proper discipline required avoid get allergy. To solve this very easy, just 3 step U-turn, or Green Card Lottery. Quit the Christian Badge is the 3 Step U-Turn. Only those Sick required Doctor. No 2nd Class for Reborn Christian. Salt or No more Salt. Salt Christian no more salty, has no restart.

Intelligence also like that. Islam advocate Intelligence. Christianity advocate Passion. Liberal advocate Love. Only 3 sect in the Earth. Each Sect must adhere to their doctrine. Intelligence to Christian. Erotic Defect. Apple. Love to Islam. Music Error. Cherry. Passion to Liberal. Greedy. Passion Fruit. In sequences, Liberal WWF, Christianity European Union, Islam United Nations. Sequences very important on these.

Interpose of 2 element. a. Erotic b. Power you will get 10 Law of Commandment. Man same as Women. Each Ethnic, each racial same. Sequences i.e. Ordering is fixed to be validated. To accommodate Population, it as to be Universal and hence 2xOmni.

Accommodate the Law, to get functional demand from God. Without demand there is no law required. To name a few, Economy Booming, Technology Upgrade, Medicine Renaissance, Romantic.

Islam Era is Economy Booming, United Nations. Liberal Era is Technology Upgrade. WWF Christianity Era is Medicine Renaissance. European Union. Pseudo Science is differ to Atheism. Atheism era is Culture Renaissance. NATO All Ethnic, Racial has to be in Unity to pass beyond each check point.

Some people thinking that, it is a free loops, no sequence required. I tell you the destiny decide your affiliation. It is one by one, whichever passed. No doubt thing twice. That’s the flowchart. Late better than early. The Game Theory Works.

Last is even better. The Justice Works. This forms a small loop. The insight is time can wait if ready, but wait no time for no ready. Important is not readiness but patience. There is no end. Patience is demanding, readiness is bonus. Game theory sometime works something don’t works. This is genetic and Genetic is psychology.

To change Genetic is to overwrite God. Sorry, they failed this by Stupidness. Game Theory is pro Righteous and pro Wicked, biased to Evil.

No matter how, before the Justice, everybody same. Somemore Justice is not a Datum, Standard, but a minimal effort Can couldn’t find true Justice but analogy.

It required unlimited of time. The analogy is fit to Scaling. The more endeavour doesn’t provide guarantee results. This is embedded in people mindset.

Rule of thumb is beauty, could be True Color or Cartoon. Up to your convenient mode. So we know Justice is imaginary and original. This is called Christian Science a.k.a. Pseudo Science. The White Magic. The 2D.

It works due to the perpertuality. 2D is not permanent, vanished. Until the Orderness i.e. Justice became aligned. In Thermodynamics this called virtual works. But real energy lost. This is White Magic.

In temperature, justice is 28deg celsius, original This is called Logistic. Longest distance is least energy drain. 24/7 mode. To Save is To Waste. This is rather put in Life not love. It is to save life not to save love. We have to be liberal in Love.

So Promised Land may victory for certain extent, but no accommodate to test & trial. Liberal Land depend on best Geology Substance, or/and the organic genetic. It may failed to the Psychology pro Evil.

The one branch injured, whole body injured. The entire victory is more important than personal victory. It has to be abolished the Employer Acts. Those righteous continue righteous irregardless of anti social. The whole body can saved.

All Unity is dead end. No poker face, to abolished Law, and depend on Grace of the True Holy Spirit, O Lord. My 2 cents.

True Competing in Job. No quota for Skilled. This is pro long Hierarchy of Job for elders & Social Bonding, hence less retrenched.

Functional Purposes, could be Ages, Experiences, Skills, Wealth, Health etcs. This True Liberal. Follow the Federal Constitution i.e. The President is the leader of mainstream. He who has the total right to own the Federal Constitution.

For this called Democracy Law. The Liberal Law. The Standard is to creating Economic Miracle. The Law accommodate Population, not vice versa, in Liberal Land.

Irregardless, the Justice returns to how far they go since established. The Land belong to those. Same Justice applied to everywhere, every continent, country, city. This is United States Federal Constitution. Law driven by Mainstream and Country Diaspora.

It has to be a Suburb-ner, to be qualified as diaspora generations. That how United States rule by the Combinative Justice and Constitutions.

It has be separating from United Nations, in which Justice and Law by World Wide. This is Himalayan Law, Anti Social, War Crime Law.

For Anti Social is not Deserved for Semitic populations. For their rule out, Loyalty and Unity is upmost. This is common commit Mistake. This Liberal Land ruled by Game Theory. And Game Theory pro Evil side.

Simply put, is Population is evil and all equal, before Justice. The Land is Liberal so the Law is constitutions. Interpose we get many states. 10 Law of Commandment and Universal, we get 50 States.

The Missing of Diaspora Generations in Suburb as Justice advocating the Major Threat. The Unity of Population is contradict to Geology Organic Genetic of Variety.

When Salt no more Salty, it has to be throw. Christian ought to remain righteous as readiness. This is not Democracy Land. But Liberal Land. The difference here, Unity vs Variety.

For Preliminary step. War readiness counts.

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