Y975. Adventist Trait VI: Crime Organised Disruption & Canonical Methodology to New Criminal Guest (Census)

i. Sheppard 牧羊人/Lamb 羔羊
Economics Congress->Zion, Secretary
Qing Organised the Fashioned Society
Aqueda, Word Prison

ii. Lost & Found Sheep 迷失的绵羊/Sheep 绵羊
Tither & Marketing Legitimate->Vatican, Clergy
Qing Conspirator Scapegoat the Private Society
ISIS/Hamas, Trojan Horse

iii. Sheppard Dog/Goat 山羊
Investment Bankroll->Paper Scissor Stone Royalist KMT, Chancellor
Qing Syndicate Mafia the Public Society,
Taliban, Guinea Colony

iv. Sheppard 牧羊人/Lamb 羔羊
Think Tank, Secretary->Man of Sins i.e. Linger/Satan
Nazi Organised the Fashioned Society, Pandemic Threat
Zechariah the Semitic Minority – Anti Democracy Heaven

v. Lost & Found Sheep 迷失的绵羊/Sheep 绵羊
Funding, Clergy->Devil i.e. Stellar Head/False Prophet
Neo Nazi Scapegoat the Private Society, Nuclear Threat
Habakkuk the Dynasty Traitor – Anti Dogma

vi. Sheppard Dog/Goat 山羊
Scape Goat, Chancellor->Serpent i.e. Biblical Villain/False Christ
Fasci Mafia the Public Society, Tsunami Threat
Jabob the Extent Semitic – Anti Semitic

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