Economics Development Blueprint
i. Industrial Blueprint: 7 Bowls GNP per Capita, Federal – Oriental
Social: 1>1-1, – Galatians (Water, Mac Constant, Halloween Housing Identity), God Misconduction Terrorism, Fashioned Society
Physics: Plain – Oriental Age Lock Sheep, Wall Net: UV Microphone, GSM (Hubble Telescope, Iphone) MNC
Dynasty Church: 7th Bowls – Habakkuk *Orthogonal, God Ministry, Tither the Vault
Royalty: Duty Ransom,
Income Tax: Fruit of Tree, Capita
ii. Infrastructure Blueprint: 7 Seals GDP per Capita, World Wide – Adventist
Social: 1-1 – Adventist – Corinthians (Solar, IPv4, Easter Union), Linger & Post-Judi, Private Society
Physics: Plain, Aging Slow Lane Lamb, Fire Wall Net: IR Camera, LTE (James Webbs Telescope, Samsung) NGO
Abraham Marriage Office: 7th Seals – Malachi *Individual, Personal Ministry, Ante the Edge
Rent: Housing Hygienic Ransom,
Meta Tax: Book of Life, Deficit
iii. Education Blueprint: 7 Disaster Gross Capita GDP, Global Wide – Promised Land
Social: 1-1<1, – Titus (Air, Mac Value, Olive Nativity Neighbourhood), Trojan Horse to Guinea Spiritual, Communities Society
Physics: Spatial – Promised Land, Aging Fast Lane Goat Skynet: EMF PI&D, CDMDA (Shenzhou Telescope, Samsung) SME
Marty Schism Inheritor Family: 7 Disaster – Jacob *Holistic, Christian Ministry, Insurance the Vulnerability
Loyalty: Spiritual Hygienic Ransom,
Service Tax: Legacy
iv. Banking Blueprint: 7 Lamps Gross Capital GNI, Federation – Utopia
Social: Many-Many – Philippians (Land, DNS IPv6, Dogma Citizenship), Meta Split to/from Meta Merged, Public Society
Physics: Spatial, Age Aggregated/Congregated Sheppard Dog, Geonet: ESD Grid, NR (Crabmachine Geo Satellite, Huawei) F&B
Semitic Minority Church: 7 Lamps – Zechariah *Homogenous
Religion Unity University: 7th Lamp – Hosee, Public Ministry, Marketing the Risk
Lent: VISA Ransom,
Liability Tax: Heritage
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