Y983. Engineered Heaven IV: End Chronicle 1,2,3 Time Worm linked up Shanghai Bunds, Armageddon, Gutenberg, Quality Certification (Broadcast)

i. UN1 Republican Monarchy Fatimah Congress Singapore, Pre WWIII, BBC 1960s
Business Investment Growth Fund南洋政府 – 华侨商业投资基金

Since Guomintang End Century 3 Memo the 1st 1930s
NASA to/from WWF SG
Vatican Holysee ITA
Charismatic Wave 1st 2nd, 3rd
Christian Top 3 Treasure,
Semitic Economics Congress, WWI
Holy Spirit Driven Marriage Refinance, WWII
Book of Life Insurance Pre WWIII
Thessalonians: Roulette 水->1atm->6:4, 2atm
Philemon: Black Jack 风->Global Parallel Currency War linked up Meta Tax Pension New Settlement of Israel Citizenship – Obama Barrack WHO
Timothy: Baccarat 雷->Indonesia Guinea Colony the Chinese Scientist linked Imperial Space Agency Security Insurance Bank – George Bush Junior NASA
Hebrew: Daisai 火->Persian Gulf War linked Nuclear Replaceable Fuel Cell Energy with Satellite First World Settlement – Bill Clinton UN

ii. UN2 Nationalist Indian Royalist & Chinese Royalist, Pre Cold War 1970s
Chinese Pension Heritage Exchange Fund中华同盟会 – 中华遗产信托基金

since Buckingham Brexit Elizabeth Palace 2020s
Vatican Pentecostal BRZ e.g. Martin Luther King Junior Missionary
Charismatic Wave 4th
African Democracy Education vs Chinese Semitic Oriental Democracy Education
James: Chinese Royalist->Fatimah Cell group Education, End Chronicle Education Preparation
Ephesian: Indian Royalist->Merdeka Religion Diplomacy against Western Gospel Leak Protocol
Colossian: Semitic Royalist->New Hong Kong for Technology Conspiracy Imperial Space Agency Chinese Scientist Genocide Precautious

iii. UN3 Malaysia Generation Elections of Federation, End Chronicle 1980s
Chinese High Security Commission Fund北洋政府与四小龙 – 中南海保安政权机关

since Gutenberg PI&D Water Milling Press Machine 1100s

Vatican Fundamentalist FRA e.g. Berlin Wall Collapse Join RUS & UKR
Economics Transformation From Industrial Computer MNC Era to Agriculture SME Component Fabrication
Charismatic Wave 5th the Last Stage
Book of Life Insurance Booming vs Fruit of Tree Banking Merging

Galatians: Transformer VR Oriental
Corinthians: Cyborg AR Adventist
Titus: Autobots AI Promised Land
Jude: Inverter CR First World
Philippians: Crabmachine RC Utopia

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