Y984. Engineered Heaven V: Chris Harbour Reunion & Telecom Network Usage (Review)

i. Oriental – Christmas Day (Autumn Tale)
Nativity Ethnic, on Olive Tree
Galatians – Agape Love
Specific Repel Lamb – Specific Sheep – Any 1 thereafter Lamb born
Hybrid Marriage Timescale (High Meta, Dramatic)
CDMDA, Kelvin Formulated Thermal Equilibrium Wave, Eschatology Calendar (CN/TW/UK), Comet Stars
To Utopia is Rocket Launch Route 0.5month, Reborn Mother In-law Family
Timezone ISO ASME US Mechanics

ii. Adventist – Pentecostal Day (Alice Castle)
Catechism Legacy, on Rose
Corinthians – Pluto Love
Specific Lamb – Specific Lamb
Interpose Marriage Timeframe (Duty Free, Dogma Security)
NR, Global Connection, Ecumenical Duty (MY/US/FRA), Asteroid
To Renaissance is Oriental Express 40years Beidou Father Family
Timeline Imperial JPN ISO JIS Quality

iii. Promised Land – Halloween Day (Virginia Fountain)
Eschatology Calendar, on Fig Tree
Titus – Artistic Love
Any Sheep – Specific Repel Lamb – Specific Goat
Parallel Marriage Timezone (True Identity, Reunion Promises)
GSM, 1st Landed Fourier Wave, Etymology Pilgrim (KR/SG/GER), Moon
South Polar Terminal
Timescale Imperial CN ISO ANSI Chemistry

iv. Utopia – Easter Day (Chris Harbour)
Career, on Lilith
Philippians – Liberal Love
Any Goat – Specific Sheppard Dog
Series Marriage Timeline (Marriage Tax, Fallen Forever)
LTE, 1st Orthogonal Eucharist Wave, Covenant Protocol (JPN/RUS/AU), Solar
Eden Garden Inaugural
Timeframe SI Metric AU ISO 9001 Climate

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